We provide a wide range of repair services for both string instruments and bows, including basic repairs, routine maintenance, bow rehairing, and restoration for damaged violins. If you have any questions regarding repair services, please feel free to contact (647) 886-0008.
我们提供的维修服务包括:提琴调音和大小维修、琴弓的维修以及更换弓毛等。如有需要或者疑问请来电 (647) 886-0008 咨询。
我们提供的维修服务包括:提琴调音和大小维修、琴弓的维修以及更换弓毛等。如有需要或者疑问请来电 (647) 886-0008 咨询。
Violin Luthier Qing Y Huang/黃青原
Qing Y Huang is a graduate of the Newark School of Violin Making located in the UK. In 1991, he learned the process of bow making under the direction of Luthier Michael J.Taylor. Mr. Huang has over 20 years of experience in violin making and repair. If you want to know more about Mr. Huang, please click here. Mr. Huang's repair services include: - instruments routine maintenance - instruments basic repairs - bows re-hair or repair - instruments restorations |
我们的提琴製作與維修技師是黃青原老师。黄老师在英国学习提琴制作与维修,1995年移民加拿大,是多倫多唯一的華人提琴專業技師,至今已经擁有超过二十多年的歐美提琴制作和維修經驗。黄老师提供樂器大小維修﹐保養﹐調音﹐提琴鑒定﹐琴弓維修﹐ 換弓毛等專業服務。