Introducing over twenty years imported Italian wood hand made violins!
The body of the violins are made hand chopped Italian wood with high quality, resulting in very straight wood grains on the board, a rarity in violin making. Mr. Huang oversees the entire production giving each violin a mellow and a unique Italian violin sound, making it an excellent violin for professionals. |
推薦採用意大利木料,高級手工製作的仿古提琴。 提琴的面板採用了意大利進口的上好的云杉劈木製作。這種木材紋理筆直,若順著紋理劈下,切面如尺子般平直,非常難得。底板是意大利楓木。 這些小提琴都是由黃青原技師監製和裝配,音色圓潤,有著意大利提琴獨特的音色。有別於由中國木料製作的小提琴,這些小提琴可以作為極好的音樂會專業用琴。 |
We offer fine string instruments for professional performances. modem and antique Italian french German Hungarian and so on . If you are interested in them, please feel free to drop by or contact us. There are some guidelines of appraising string instruments, if you are interested, please here and take a look in our blog.